Photo des citrouilles de l'Ă©vĂ©nement "Les Monstres d’Hollywood" Ă  Chaplin's World en Corsier-sur-Vevey. Un activitĂ© Ă  faire avec les enfants dans la suisse romande, au canton de Vaud.

Our Pumpkins at the Heart of Needs

🎃 With the end of the "Hollywood Monsters" event, many of you are wondering what we do with all those pumpkins. There are plenty of ideas, from preparing a huge soup to producing compost. But like every year, we do something special.

We donate our pumpkins to the "Carton du CƓur" association, which supports those in need. It's our way of extending the magic of Halloween by bringing warmth to those who need it. Thank you all for your support and for making "Hollywood Monsters" unforgettable. 🧡